When an opportunity reveals itself the key to opportunity is Matthew 7: 7-8.
The promise of an asking prayer is that you will receive and if you seek - He will lead you to find, and to the one who steps out in boldness and knocks on the door opportunity with faith - it will be opened.
Lord- I have asked and sought - today I knocked. It is up to You to open the door - if it is your will. Please pray with me for all those who ask, seek, and knock. May our heart's desire be fulfilled when our Lord open's the door. Amen.
The Lord press on my calling has been strong and I began asking Him and listening for His answer and I have now allowed that door to be unlocked and opened by God and I stepped through it. Being obedient to my calls and everything He is asking me to do :)
Yes! I felt the Lord pressing the word “ask” on me heavily last year. I asked Him, “what should I be asking for?!” I realize I’m always asking for the needs of others, especially my own boys, and not so much any bold asks for myself. Now I’m coming up on a big change of seasons. I’m asking, asking, asking!